Last weekend Brent Wilson and I launched Mr Impoppable into the world.
It was a lot of fun. Thanks to everyone that made it along, and to Avid Reader/Where the Wild Things Are for hosting the event. It never feels like a book is out until it has been launched there.

Also, how cool are these chocolates that Alex Adsett (super agent) made?

And there were the traditional mini-cupcakes with the cover on them! The fact that all of these were eaten before I could get to them shows just how successful the event was.

It was delight getting to read the book in front of an audience, and I may have dressed up as a pirate at one stage.

And swung a sword.

Anyway, if you missed it, we'll be doing another event at Quick Brown Fox Bookshop, the week after next. You can book here.
Photo Credits - Jenny Stubbs, Alex Adsett, Kris Kneen (THANK YOU!)